SNL Review: 40.1

SNL’s 40th season got off to a pretty good start this week. Here’s a recap:

A fairly average episode, but still solid. The opening with Aidy Bryant making a return as Candy Crowley, this time hosting her show State of the Union, was pretty good. My only negative about this is that Jay Pharaoh’s impression of Shannon Sharpe has become over-the-top cartoonish, to the point where it no longer makes any comedic sense. Host Chris Pratt appeared as NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

Pratt was immediately back to the stage for his monologue, and he was as charming as you’d expect. His wife, Anna Ferris, was in the audience. They had sex and a baby popped out! It’s true! Continue reading

SNL Group at Dragon Con 2015

One of the things that I’ve been thinking about doing for the past year is getting a group together to do SNL costuming at Dragon Con. I didn’t make that happen for the 2014 convention, unfortunately. But at the convention I saw a girl cosplaying as Pat. She looked really great, too. I told her my idea about getting a group together and she said that she’d been thinking about the same thing. I was running an errand at the time and didn’t have my phone on me so I couldn’t get her contact info. Inswing back by a couple of minutes later but she wasn’t still there.  Anyway, I grabbed my phone and created a Facebook group so that I could add her to it just in case I ran into her again (which I didn’t). Continue reading

Proposed New SNL Formats

In the aftermath of Season 39, we’ve had a bit of a shake-up. We already knew that Nasim Pedrad would be leaving to take a starring role in a new sitcom.  But in addition, three of last year’s featured players – Brooks Wheelan, Noel Wells and John Milhiser – have been let go.  Which, to me, is fine, because there were far too many people on stage vying for airtime. Even though I like all the departed performers, I’m happy to see the cast get reduced a bit to give those who are there a fairer chance. Continue reading